In depth

Opening the gateway


For an area with an historic connection to the soap-making industry, some areas of the town of Widnes are less than squeaky clean. The waste materials and connected industries from the manufacture of soap and cleaning products has actually left a legacy of contamination, but remediation is underway at one…

Mud Wrestling

Mud walls have been built to arrest the flow of the mud volcano

A volcano in Java has been expelling more than 100,000m³ of toxic material a day for three years. Remote monitoring is now being used to investigate the rate of flow and the impact it will have on the surrounding community. Report by Chris Meikle and David Shilston.

Skanska’s Plumb Job

At One New Change, pipework in these piles is being connected up ahead of the basement slab being cast

The One New change project in London in the UK’s largest energy pile contract ever, but it’s the first tie the foundation contractor has been responsible for the plumbing as well.