L F Thompson, J P Stowell and S J Farger, University of Sheffield; C A Steer*, K L Loughney and E M O’Sullivan, St Mary’s University; J G Gluyas, Durham University; and S Blaney and R J Pidcock, Central Alliance. *C A Steer has now joined the University of Surrey
Technical papers
Technical paper: Preliminary test pile result for the Southbank Place development
Stuart Hardy and Duncan Nicholson, Arup; Subramaniam Srisakthivel, Expanded Geotechnical; and Laurent Olivier and Tom Disley, Canary Wharf Contractors
Technical paper: Bearing capacity of a geogrid-stabilised granular layer on clay
Andrew Lees and Peter Matthias, Tensar International
Technical paper: Risk and Reliability in Gas Protection Design – 20 years on: Part 2
Geoff Card, GB Card and Partners; James Lucas, The Environmental Protection Group; and Steve Wilson, EPG The first part of this paper was published in the August/September issue of GE and is also available online by clicking here.
Technical paper: Risk and reliability in gas protection design – 20 years on: Part 1
Geoff Card, GB Card and Partners; James Lucas, The Environmental Protection Group; and Steve Wilson, EPG
Cooling Prize Paper: Clay cut slope deterioration, climate change and maintenance
Harry Postill, School of Architecture, Building and Civil Engineering, Loughborough University, Loughborough
Technical paper: Sonic drilling and sample quality on the Olympic Park ground investigation
Dan Brenton, Andy Condron, ERS Remediation and Callum Whitelaw, Geosonic Drilling
Technical paper: Validation of electrokinetic stabilisation of M5 Junction 7
D Alder and J Lamont-Black, Electrokinetic; O Hamza, University of Derby; C Jackson, Jacobs; and C Jones, Newcastle University
Technical paper: Twenty-one years of heave monitoring in London Clay at Horseferry Road basement
by Deryck Chan and Gopal Madabhushi, University of Cambridge; Duncan Nicholson and Tim Chapman, Arup; and Sergio Solera, Mott MacDonald
Technical note: The new grouted anchor testing standard EN ISO 22477- 5:2018
By Devon Mothersille, Geoserve Global and convenor to TC 182/Working Group 3